1 bundle

Miscellaneous fragmented/unidentifiable articles and correspondence, including what appear to be fragments of his own proposed book on Timothy Hackworth

2 items

Notes regarding the family

1 item

Drawing of John Wesley Hackworth’s valve gear (possibly a tracing)

1 item

Headed notepaper

1 item

Letter from John Wesley Hackworth to Mr Gray [John Gray]

1 item

Letter from George Edward Young, Soho Engine Works, Shildon to John Wesley Hackworth c/o John Gray, London and Brighton Railway, Brighton

1 item

Letter from Timothy Hackworth Sr., 7 Randles [sic], King St, Cheap side to John Wesley Hackworth Soho works, Shildon

2 items

Specification no. 8875 John Wesley Hackworth, Improvements in Valves and Valve Gear for Marine, Locomotive and other Motor Engines with accompanying drawings

1 item

Memorandum on Leeds and it’s merchants, extracts from ‘London and Society’

1 item

Letter from Timothy Hackworth Sr., London Bridge Station to John Wesley Hackworth, Soho Works, Shildon

1 item

Letter from John Vernon, Leeds Mercury, Leeds to John Wesley Hackworth

1 item

Letter from John Wesley Hackworth, Soho Engine Works to John Gray, Liverpool

1 item

‘An extract from an article which appeared in the London Quarterly Review for January 1858 relative to the invention of the steam blast in the locomotive’

1 item

Letter from John Wesley Hackworth, Darlington to Editor of the Northern Daily Express

8 items

Letter from John Wesley Hackworth, Darlington to Editor, ‘Northern Daily Express’

1 item

Letter from Zerah Colburn, Office of ‘The Engineer’, The Strand, London to John Wesley Hackworth

1 item

Memorandum of agreement between John Wesley Hackworth and Robert Teasdale of Teasdale Brothers Darlington

1 item

Description of Hackworth’s Valve Motion

1 item

Letter from Timothy Hackworth Sr., Glasgow to John Wesley Hackworth Soho, Shildon

1 item

Letter from Jane Dutton, Newburn to John Wesley Hackworth

1 bundle

'The Locomotive and Railway System/The history of the locomotive and railway system, some with notes'. Numbered 9, 8, 7 & 5

1 item

Letter from Joseph Pease, Darlington to the Directors of the Dublin and Kingston Railway

1 item

Extracts/notes on Nicholas Wood's treatise 1825; James Walker & John Urpeth Rastrick's Report to the Liverpool and Manchester Railway Directors dated March 7th 1829

1 item

Letter and notes from Harris Dickinson, Newcastle-upon-Tyne to Timothy Hackworth

1 item

Letter from John Bone, Newcastle upon Tyne to Mrs John Hackworth [Ann Hackworth (Nee Turner)], c/o Mrs Turner, High Terrace, Darlington

1 item

Articles of agreement between John Wesley Hackworth and James Clark, William Clark and Thomas Robinson Clark, Thomas Clark and Company, Newcastle.

1 item

Letter from Timothy Hackworth Sr., No 7 Randalls, King Street, Cheap Side to John Wesley Hackworth

1 item

Specification no. 4350 John Sturgeon, Supplying Air to Mines

1 item

Notes for lecture at Southport

1 item


2 items

Letter from W. Hann, Killingworth to John Wesley Hackworth

1 item

Specification no. 4246 John Wesley Hackworth and Albert Hackworth, Valve Gear

1 item

Specification No. 929 David Joy, Steam Engines

1 bundle

‘The Generation and Application of Steam as a Motive Power’

2 items

Declaration by William Jackson and William Mather, both of Darlington

1 item

Declaration by Thomas Sergison, Engineer of North Road, Darlington, Durham

7 items

Letter from an unknown sender, Dowlais Iron Works, Merthyr Tydril to John Wesley Hackworth, Darlington Engine Works

1 item

Specification no. 2175 John Miller, Air Pumps

4 items

Letter from an unknown sender, Dowlais Iron Works, Merthyr Tydril to John Wesley Hackworth Engine Works, Darlington

1 item

Specification no. 103 John Wesley Hackworth, Ventilating and Working Mines, and Utilising the Gases Obtained from Mines

1 item

Partial letter and notes from John Wesley Hackworth, Sunderland to Editor, Railway Herald

1 item

Patent no. 103 John Wesley Hackworth, Ventilating and Working Mines, and Utilising the Gases Obtained from Mines

1 item

Articles and letters from John Wesley Hackworth to Editor, the Northern Echo

5 items

Article from the Newcastle Daily Chronicle ‘Inauguration of the Stephenson Monument’ article describing the inauguration

1 item

Partial letter/draft notes from John Wesley Hackworth to Editor, Darlington and Richmond Herald

1 bundle

‘Our first Locomotive’ copy of an article which appeared in the Gateshead Observer from various correspondents

8 items

Incomplete letter from John Wesley Hackworth, Darlington to an unknown recipient

1 item

Incomplete letter from John Wesley Hackworth to Editor, Royal Cornwall Gazette

1 item

Fragment of letter from John Wesley Hackworth, Darlington to an unknown recipient

3 items

Letter and envelope from John Wesley Hackworth to Editor, Northern Evening Express